Product Inquiry Website Starting at Rs. 9,500

Product Inquiry Website Starting at Rs 9500

PRODUCT INQUIRY WEBSITE AT Rs. 16,500   Rs. 9,500 

    • Free 3 Email-Addresses (1st year).
    • Free Web Server Hosting (1st year).
    • Free Database server hosting (1st year).
    • Free SSL Certificate  (1st year).
    • Independent CPanel Control Panel.
    • Free Website Maintenance (1st year).



  • Website Features
    • Fully Functional Product Inquiry Website
    • Product Catalog
    • Navigational Links
    • Seo/Mobile Friendly Responsive Website
    • Flexible, Secure Payments
    • Unlimited Categories
    • Featured Categories Section
    • Unlimited Products
    • Featured Products
    • Best Seller Products
    • Search Products
    • Seo Friendly Product Pages
    • Products Tags At Product Page
    • Product Social Sharing Links
    • Inquiry/Order Form
    • Whatsapp Notification On Inquiry
    • Email Notification On Inquiry
    • Database Submission On Inquiry
    • Responsive & Seo Friendly Footer And Header
    • Pages: Home, Categories, Products Listing, About Us, Testimonials, Why Us, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Shipping Policy, Return/Refund Policy,Thank You, Feedback & Reach Us, Contact Us
    • Admin Panel
    • Admin Training
    • Admin Panel Training (Online): 2 hours online training
    • Demo
    • Website Demo: Request using the form below
    • Free Data Entry
    • Upto 4 Categories data entry free.
    • Upto 9 Sub-Categories data entry free.
    • Note:- Each Additional Categories  & Sub Categories data entry will cost you Rs. 35 per each.
    • Upto 20 Products data entry free.
    • Note:- Each Additional Products data entry will cost you Rs. 55 per each.
    • What is needed of you:
    • Domain Name Settings: You'll need to change DNS1 (Domain Name Server) and DNS2 settings of your domain name via your domain dashboard.
    • Email addresses Details: Email IDs required by you (,,, etc.).
    • Text/Image/Audio/Video/Logo content for each page of the website (if applicable), website title & slogan and other data like Social Media Accounts Links etc.
    • Text/Image/Audio/Video content for Categories and SubCategories & Products.
    • Payment Gateway Details: Merchant ID Details for online website transactions and QR code details of paytm/gpay/other for offline payment transactions (if applicable).
    • Your Details: Company Name, Contact Person Name, Address, City, State, Country, Zip or Pincode, Mobile number, Existing Email IDs.
    • Text and Images for Categories and Products Pages.
    • Text and Images for About-Us page (if any).
    • Text and Images for Why Us page (if any).
    • Text for Shipping Policy page.
    • Text for Return/Refund Policy page.
    • Text for Privacy Policy page.
    • Text for Terms & Conditions Policy page.
    • Estimated Development Time: 
    • 10-15 Working days (if you provide all the content & logo on time).
    • Payment Terms:
    • 40% as initial token money.
    • 50% Money once the website is uploaded with your content (Text/Image/Audio/Video/Logo) for your first review.
    • Rest of the amount when the website is fully completed.

NOTE: - Additional features & services will cost extra. Cost does not include any taxes.

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