Frequently Asked Questions

Web and Mobile App Development FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions
What is a domain name?

This is the name that identifies any Web site. For example, this website which you are currently visiting has a name which is "aash.in". In other words, aash.in is the domain name of my website. A domain name needs to be purchased (registered) from one of the many domain registering companies like godaddy/bigrock/namecheap etc. Many websites sell 'domain names' for a particular duration of time and is based on availablilty.

  • .com TLD (Top Level Domain)
  • .net TLD (Top Level Domain)
  • .in TLD (Top Level Domain)
  • .co TLD (Top Level Domain)
  • .co.in TLD (Top Level Domain)
  • .org TLD (Top Level Domain)
What is a website?

Generally speaking, your domain name is the name of your website. And, technically speaking, a website is a collection of web-pages only. Facebook.com, Google.com, Yahoo.com etc are websites and every single screen you see on these websites are called web pages.

What is a web-page?

Every screen you see on a websites is a web page. The first page of any website is also called the 'homepage' of that website. Best example of a web-page is 'this page'. You are actually visiting and reading from 'this' web-page of my website www.aash.in

What is web hosting?

Once your website is developed, its files (and maybe database) needs to be hosted somewhere on a computer, generally called a webserver computer. If the website is dynamic then database files also need hosting.

What is email hosting?

Just like file website hosting, you need email hosting if you wish to have your own website email IDs (e.g., abcd@yoursitename.com) on a webserver computer. Email hosting is also provided by the webservers (web-hosts) online.

Why a website?

Why you need a website:

  • Your website is your (or your business's) online identity.
  • A website is an essential part of your identity these days.
  • It may serve as your virtual office where people can contact you online.
  • A website can be usded to sell your products and services.
  • A website can be usded to share whatever you like online on your virtual space (i.e. your website).
  • A website can reach millions of millions of people globally that might not otherwise be possible.
  • No matter what type of business you are in, there are ways to grow and make money on the web for you with the help of your website.
  • Any communication or interactions that happen within your business can be made easier and more efficient by bringing it on internet.
  • Your business will save money and time while appealing to a much greater audience using a website.
What is a simple static website?

A static website is the website which have no server side programing code (C#, PHP, Java, Python etc) . It has generally some HTML/CSS code. It's very basic and simple website. Generally, it is cheaper than the dynamic website but sometimes it becomes expensive than dynamic ones based on the amount of work and functionalities.

What is a dynamic website?

A dynamic website is one which have server side programing code (C#, PHP, Java, Python etc) code (along with HTML/CSS/Javascript/JQuery). Users are able to use interactive functionality in your website. More advanced dynamic websites may also have a database at backend. Generally, it is more expensive than the simple static websites but sometimes it becomes cheaper than static ones. Best example is simple Wordpress dynamic CMS websites.

What are 'open source websites' (Wordpress, WooCommerce, Joomla, Drupal etc) websites?

Technically: An Open source website is a website whose source code is available freely for modification or enhancements by anyone.
Generally: An Open source website is considered as free because you don't have to pay for the development cost. However, you will be paying to the web app developer in order to make it work online. So, basically these websites cost you lesser as compared to custom coded websites. But be aware that these websites are more security prone as compared to custom coded websites. Also, these websites are a bit slower as compared to custom coded websites.

What is a CMS?

CMS stands for Content Management System. It is basically a website which is used to manage content such as text, images, audio and video on the website front. Wordpress is one such CMS which also an 'open source' CMS.

Why custom coding is expensive than 'open source' CMSs?

Because coder needs to write code from scratch for each and every single functionality availble in the website, web app or mobile app. While in 'open source' CMSs, most of the code is already written by the open source developers.

Work Related Questions
How much does a website cost?

It depends on how big and complex is your website. Once you tell me your requirements then I can give you exact cost and time estimate. Just to give you an idea, here is a ballpark figure with us:

  • Simple Dynamic Wordpress Business Website Starts At Rs. 7,500
  • Starter Level ECommerce Website Starts At Rs. 13,500
How much time does it take to complete a website?

It depends on how big and complex is your website. Once you tell us your requirements then we can give you exact cost and time estimate.

Should We start with a custom website or a CMS website?

If you have very low budget (less than Rs.7500) then go for a static website.

If you have slightly hight budget (more than Rs.7500 and less than Rs. 15000) then go for a dynamic simple Wordpress website.

If budget is not a issue for you and the security and speed of the website is and also you need custom functionalities then you should go for a custom coded website.

It all depends on what you want from a website! In order to setup & deploy a CMS website (Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress etc), you will need a web progammer / web developer anyway. Thus the charges. But you get a lot of already developed (packaged) dynamic features with a CMS website. So if your functionality needs are fulfilled using one of these CMS websites then it is good to go with the CMS website development. It will cost you much lesser than a normal custom dynamic website development.

BUT, If your needs are different then and want a fast website then you must not go that way because in the long run you may have to spend much much more money in the future in order to make some amendments in it.

How does it work, from start to finish?

Once you provide us with the details mentioned above, here is process of website/app development explained:

  • We review your requirements sent by you.
  • Based on your requirements, we'll prepare and send you the mockup/draft layout.
  • You finalise and freeze the webstie/app layout.
  • We'll carryon developing the website/app based on your final freezed version of the website/app.
  • We send you the completed website/app on our servers to review.
  • You review it and may be ask for some modifications. We'll then make these changes accordingly.
  • You review the website.
  • We launch the Website after your approval.
  • Done!
What do you need from me to create my website/app?

To get started, we need following from you:

  • Logo of the website/app.
  • Your preferred color theme.
  • Contents of the website/app (pics/images, audio/video and text).
  • Choice of your email addresses on your website. (if hosting is with us)
  • If you want us to register your domain name then Your preferred domain name for the website. Need a list of 4-5 domain names to choose from as per availability.
  • Your full name, address, designation, phone numbers and current email address.
  • May be some sample websites/apps you already have in mind as base samples.
  • Token Money. Payment terms have been mentioned at the bottom of this section.
Payment Related Questions
What about payments and token money?

  • You need to give in advance some % of the project cost as token money.
  • 60% amount after the project is online with your logo and content.
  • Rest of the money will be paid when the website/app is deployed online successfully and working absolutely fine.
Other Questions
Do you give some kind of Discounts?

I give an overall discount of 5-10% in some cases (including people who are doing good charity work for the well being of humanity).

What type of persons you do not work with?

I do not wish to work with dishonest, liars, criminals and other similar persons.

What type of persons you wish to work for?

Honest, to the point, humble and very professional ones.

For Custom web or mobile app development, please let us know your requirements

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